If the player hits any note in the incorrect direction, this 'energy bar' will decrease by a small bit. Underneath the path where the blocks travel is a white bar that slowly fills up as the player hits notes correctly.
In addition, there are occasionally bombs that the player should not hit, and obstacles in the form of oncoming walls that the player's head should avoid. When a block is properly cut by a saber, it is destroyed and a score is awarded, based on the length and angle of the swing and the accuracy of the cut. There are also blocks with dots instead of arrows, which players may hit in any direction from the sides. Each one may also be marked with an arrow indicating one of eight possible directions in which the block may be required to be cut through. In each song, the game presents the player with a stream of approaching blocks laid out in sync with the song's beats and notes, located in one of the 12 possible positions of a 4x3 grid. The player uses VR motion-sensing controllers to wield a pair of glowing sabers, which by default are colored red and blue for left and right respectively, although the colors are changeable.